We’re continuing to celebrate 40 years of service here at the CIL! This month, we wanted to highlight one of our Five-Core Services, Independent Living Skills (ILS)!
Terri Poucher, our ILS Coordinator, has done a wonderful job planning and implementing ILS classes each month for our consumers, especially throughout the pandemic. Please read below about what she has to say about the latest ILS happenings at the CIL!
“This month (May) we have been discussing Mental Health, since it is Mental Health Awareness Month. We talked about thinking errors (that we all make) and how to correct them, as well as the 6 different aspects of health and why it’s important to focus on all of them (wholistic) and not just one area. We also talked about the kinds of foods that are best for your mental (and overall) health in our basic cooking class, with a live demo on protein shakes.
For the next 6 months, we have some great topics coming up like: how to deal with changes, how pets help your health, basic first aid, Deaf Awareness, more on basic cooking and possible (future) guest speakers and outings.
We will be reopening to ILS in-person groups in June for a small test group and if that goes well and we all stay healthy, we look forward to opening up to more people and the ability to do more things.”
ILS will continue to have zoom meetings on Wednesdays- so feel free to join us there! Here is the sign in info: ILS-WED 10:30AM – 12:00PM
Click this link to join the Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3523787474?pwd=Wk5lVUt6RzBNU0NhdFRtb0xLYjFpQT09
If the link above does not take you to the meeting, go to zoom.us, and on the top, right side, click on the button that says join a meeting and enter the information below:
Meeting ID: 352 378 7474
Passcode: cilclass Passcode: 425521