Greetings | The Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida welcomes you! If you have any questions about the center or the services we provide, please contact us at 352-378-7474. Our number again, is 3, 5, 2, 3, 7, 8, 7, 4, 7, 4.
Friday, October 20th: The CIL invites you to a completely accessible, FREE vaccine clinic in Chiefland, FL!
Whether you or someone you care about requires flu or COVID-19 vaccinations, please save the date.
This clinic is fully equipped to serve individuals with disabilities, and our center is eager to assist you with any special arrangements you may need. Please connect with us for any accessibility needs, including ASL interpreters or other accommodations.
ID: Event flier includes all the information provide above regarding the Flu & Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic on October 20th. The following logos are displayed at the top of the flier from left to right: 1) Aging & Disability Vaccination Collaborative, 2) Disability Rights Florida, 3) CILNCF. There is an image of a daughter hugging her father on the flier. Next to it reads, “Stay Safe, Stay Up To Date. Protect your health and the people you love. Vaccines are safe, effective, save millions of lives and are the best defense against many infectious diseases. If you are 65+ or have a compromised immune system, you may be more vulnerable to certain diseases, so get vaccinated today. You have the power to prevent and protect. Learn more at The American Sign Language Interpreter Logo is displayed on the bottom left.