We hope you are having a relaxing weekend! At the end of last month, the FAAST Program hosted Michael Mcquilkin with CaptionCall for a vendor presentation here at the CIL in Gainesville!
If your phone calls are difficult to hear, CaptionCall can help by letting you hear and read what someone is saying on the device. And the best part? There is NO cost for people with hearing loss who need captions to use the phone effectively!
Everyone who attended enjoyed the presentation and also learned more about the FAAST Program from CIL Assistive Technologies Specialist, Claudia Avendano.
To learn more about CaptionCall and all it has to offer people with disabilities, please reach out to Michael at 352-409-7987 or by e-mail: mmcquilkin@captioncall.com
Image Description: Picture of Michael (left) and Claudia (right) the CIL activity room. They are standing to the sides of a long table in between them that displays the CaptionCall device and flyer information.