A new year is almost here at the CIL! Please check out our latest January calendar of online activities!
On Tuesday, the Youth Leadership and Social Group runs from 3:30 PM-5:00 PM. On Wednesday, Independence Hacks (ILS) runs from 10:30 AM-12:00 PM. Everything can be reached on Zoom through the meeting ID: 352 378 7474 and password: cilclass.
If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact Terri Poucher at 352-378-7474 or tpoucher@cilncf.org. We hope to see you there!
Image Description: Light blue background with CIL logo at the top left; four blue snowflakes are in the image, with one towards the top right, and three across the bottom. The text includes all of the information listed above. “January Online Calendar” is at the very top in blue text; Tuesday is in blue text in the middle of a white oval shape to the left, and the class title and time is in white text to the right. Wednesday is in blue text beneath Tuesday, in the middle of a white oval shape, and the class title and time is in white text to the right; the meeting ID and password information is at the bottom.