The Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida (CILNCF) will close Tuesday 8/29 at 2:00 PM and all day Wednesday 8/30.
The CILNCF will reopen when weather conditions allow. Please call 352-378-7474 if you need to contact the CILNCF for any reason.
Disability & Disaster Hotline: +1 (800) 626-4959
After the storm for FEMA assistance, please call 800-621-3362 or visit
Shelter status with FL Department of Emergency Management:
State and county contact information:

ID: graphic shows a geographical map of Florida with Tropical Storm Idalia’s trajectory from Tuesday – Thursday evening. There is a vertical yellow banner on the left wit a hurricane icon and “Closure Notice”. The information for the Disability & Disaster Hotline and after storm FEMA assistance provided above is also shared on the graphic.