The Arc of Alachua County’s 3rd Annual Arts and Crafts Expo

Our staff, Sada, Kevin, and Claudia had an amazing time at The Arc of Alachua County’s 3rd Annual Arts and Crafts Expo, where they had the opportunity to connect with the community and raise awareness about the resources available for people with disabilities.

Our team had a great time tabling at the event, spreading the word about the invaluable services we offer while supporting local artists. One of our consumers showcased and sold her beautiful hand-knitted scarves and beanies, and we’re proud to share that she made some fantastic sales! Sada was even able to grab a cozy beanie herself! Sada is also pictured holding a bearded dragon pet of one of the event attendees.

Events like this are so important in promoting diversity, inclusivity, and showcasing the incredible talents of individuals with disabilities. Throughout the day, we connected with many community members, answered questions, and shared the resources we offer. Thank you to everyone who stopped by our table and to the organizers for such a wonderful event!