“Lovisa has been overcoming struggles in her life all through school. When she first came to Lake Weir High she hated it because like other schools she was picked on and bullied. But after time passed she began to make a small circle of friends, and one of them told her about HSHT, how fun it was and that she needed to join. She came home and told me about it and I told her she could attend. Now, almost 3 years later, she is in her final year of the program. She loves everything about it, the confidence it gives her and all she has learned. My child has gone from a girl who hated school and didn’t want to go back to graduating with a 3.5 GPA and has been accepted to the College of Central Florida and will be working towards her associate’s degree in education, to be a teacher’s assistant and work with children. I am so proud of her and this program. They offer so much to the kids teaching them the skills they need to help them transition to the next step.” – Elizabeth Palmer (mother of Lovisa Palmer)