Our Wheelchair Ramp Building Program continues to move and groove! Two wheelchair ramps were recently built for consumers Lonnie Davis and Jeanette Cobb. Both consumers were having severe health issues and chronic pain that prevented them from climbing the stairs that led into their own homes, limiting their independence and community access. Because of the CIL and Custom Design Renovations, both of our consumers can now enter and leave their homes with ease and no longer feel isolated, but empowered and independent!
Special Thanks to David Hilman with Custom Design Renovations, an amazing CIL community partner, for continuing to help the CIL fulfill our mission, To empower people with disabilities to achieve their goals for independence!
The picture to the left is Lonnie’s completed ramp, leading up to the front door of his beige house. The picture to the right is Jeanette’s completed ramp, leading up to the side door of her blue house.