Our very own Sada Ahmed, CIL Community Specialist, will be hosting an informational virtual program on the history and services we provide to our community. All adults 19 years and up are welcome. Come join Sada via zoom on Thursday, February 17th at 12:00 p.m! Click the link below to learn more about this event!
Zoom meeting ID: 885 0486 8483
Image description: Light green background with pale flower outlines and blue and brown butterflies on the left and right borders. The CIL logo is at the top of the image and the Community Partners Present logo is in the top right corner. Underneath it, a block of text reads, “Learn about the history and the services that the Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida provides to our community!”. In the center of the image, there is a gilded dark green box with the date of the event: Thursday, February 17th from 12 pm-1 pm. The Alachua County Library District logo is in the bottom left corner of the image.