Thanks to your incredible generosity and unwavering support, we’ve managed to raise a remarkable $670 for our nonprofit through our fundraiser with Give4Marion!

But, here’s the exciting news: we still have 9 hours left to go in our fundraiser, and we are determined to reach our $1000 goal. With your continued support, we can make a significant difference in the lives of even more individuals in our community.

→ DONATE: You still have time! TODAY at 12pm, we have another Matching Moment when all online gifts up to $100 will be matched dollar for dollar by The LILAC Foundation until the $10,000 runs out. Only gifts made online during the specified moments will be eligible. Every dollar counts, and your donation will make a real difference in the lives of people with disabilities. Click the link in our bio to donate now!

→ SPREAD THE WORD: Share this post with your friends, family, and social media networks. Encourage others to join in and support our cause. The more people we reach, the closer we get to our goal! 📣

Let’s make these last 9 hours count and continue making a positive impact in the lives of those who rely on our programs and services.

ID: graphic has red, blue, and white geometric shapes for the background. The top left displays the CILNCF logo in white. “How will you give” is written in blue with a yellow highlight underneath. The Give4Marion logo is displayed under this text. On the left of graphic has a timeline with text reading “9 hours to give”, starting with a Matching Moment 9/20 at 12pm and ends with “Goal: $1000 Raised by 7pm”