Join us for an informative session featuring CaptionCall, a service designed to assist individuals who have difficulty hearing phone calls. CaptionCall provides specialized phones that display real-time captions of what the other person is saying, ensuring you never miss a word. Additionally, calls are saved, allowing you to review the conversation at your convenience. Discover how CaptionCall can enhance your communication experience and provide peace of mind.
This presentation will be especially useful for anyone who is deaf or hard of hearing, or those who know someone who could benefit from enhanced phone communication.
Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: The Center for Independent Living
2760 SE 17th Street, Suite 300 Ocala, FL 34471
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 891 7406 2765
Passcode: 610039
One tap mobile
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For questions, contact Brandon Palermo at (352) 368-3788 ext. 1012, or via e-mail