Wheelchair Ramp Building Project

Happy Monday! Our Wheelchair Ramp Building Program continues to make a difference in local lives!  Unfortunately, the CIL was faced with the inevitable decision to pause the program this past year, due to the many challenges of COVID, and was unable to build any wheelchair ramps for our consumers in need.  However, we are now happy to report that our ramp program is up and running again!

We recently completed three ramp builds in Live Oak, Jasper and Gainesville for Ms. Sylvia, Ms. Anissa and Mr. Edwin, who were all unable to leave their homes by themselves due to living with various health and physical disabilities.  Now that the ramp builds are complete, they feel so very blessed and thankful they can access their own homes and communities, attend important doctor’s appointments, and feel less isolated and more independent! 

Special thanks to Ben Amwake Home Solutions, Custom Design Renovations, and our team here at the CIL for doing an amazing job and working together to provide this much needed service for our consumers with disabilities!